


The Effect of a Single Session Rubber Hand Illusion on Pressure Pain Is Not Long-Lasting

Ceylan H, Acet N, Günendi Z.

Eur J Pain. 2025 Apr;29(4):e70003. doi: 10.1002/ejp.70003.

PMID: 39968867




dimensional investigation of the vascular anatomy of the triquetrum with micro-computed tomography

Balci A, Apaydin N, Yildiran G, Guvener O, Kendir S, Sanal HT, Akdag O, Karahan ST.

Ann Anat. 2025 Apr;259:152377. doi: 10.1016/j.aanat.2025.152377. Epub 2025 Jan 16.

PMID: 39824231





The link between spreading depolarization and innate immunity in the central nervous system

Kadir Oguzhan Soylu, Muge Yemisci & Hulya Karatas

The Journal of Headache and Pain,26, Article number: 25 (2025)



A comprehensive assessment of headache characteristics, management, and burden of migraine in comparison with tension-type headache in Türkiye: Results of a cross-sectional survey of adult patients

Mustafa Ertaş,Serap Üçler,Sabahattin Saip,Elif Ilgaz Aydınlar,Ömer Karadaş, Vesile Öztürk,Pınar Yalınay Dikmen,Uğur Uygunoğlu,Nevzat Uzuner, Aynur Özge, Gülnur Tekgöl Uzuner, Şebnem Bıçakçı, Figen Gökçay, Taner Özbenli, Neşe Çelebisoy, Elif Kocasoy Orhan, Hadiye Şirin, Betül Baykan, Esme Ekizoğlu Turgut, Hayrunnisa Bolay Belen, Necdet Karlı, Mehmet Zarifoğlu,Babür Dora,Levent Ertuğrul İnan,Tuğba Tunç, Işın Ünal Çevik,Ayşe Münife Neyal, Manal Mehtar Bozkurt, Aksel Siva

Agri 2025;37(1):10–23



Micro RNA-146, HMGB1 and IL-17 profile and cognitive symptoms in chronic migraine

Dagidir, HG (Dagidir, H. Gok); Bandirmali, D (Bandirmali, D.) ; Akgör, MHC (Akgor, M. H. Ceren) ; Vuralli, D (Vuralli, D.) ; Yalinay, M (Yalinay, M.); Akay, GG (Akay, G. Gumus) ; Belen, HB (Belen, H. Bolay)

FEBS OPEN BIO, ss.362, JUN 2024


Investigation of Liver X Receptor Gene Variants and Oxysterol Dysregulation in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Babayigit, TM (Mentese Babayigit, Tugba) ; Gümüs-Akay, G (Gumus-Akay, Guvem)  ; Uytun, MC (Uytun, Merve cikili) ; Dogan, Ö (Dogan, Ozlem) ; Serdar, MA (Serdar, Muhittin A.) ; Efendi, GY (Efendi, Gokce Yagmur) ; Erman, AG (Erman, Ayse Gokce); Yürümez, E (Yurumez, Esra)  ; Öztop, DB (Oztop, Didem Behice)

Children 202411(5), 551,Published: 5 May 2024




Effects of Sevoflurane and Fullerenol C60 on the Heart and Lung in Lower-Extremity Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes Mice

Örnek, E (Ornek, Ender); Alkan, M (Alkan, Metin) ; Erel, S (Erel, Selin) ; Yigman, Z (Yigman, Zeynep); Dursun, AD (Dursun, Ali Dogan); Dagli, A (Dagli, Asli) ; Sarikaya, B (Sarikaya, Badegul ; Kip, G (Kip, Gulay) ; Polat, Y (Polat, Yuecel) ; Arslan, M (Arslan, Mustafa)

Medicina 202460(8), 1232 Published: 29 July 2024




The Effect of Cerium Oxide (CeO2) on Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Skeletal Muscle in Mice with Streptozocin-Induced Diabetes

Özer, A (Ozer, Abdullah) [1] ; Sengel, N (Sengel, Necmiye) ; Küçük, A (Kucuk, Ayseguel) ; Yigman, Z (Yigman, Zeynep) [; Özdemir, C (Ozdemir, Cagri) ; Kiliç, Y (Kilic, Yigit) ; Dursun, AD (Dursun, Ali Dogan) ; Bostanci, H (Bostanci, Hasan) ; Kip, G (Kip, Gulay) ; Arslan, M (Arslan, Mustafa)

Medicina 202460(5), 752



Headaches and facial pain attributed to SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination: a systematic review

Dimos-Dimtirios D Mitsikostas , Edoardo Caronna , Marina De Tommaso , Christina I Deligianni , Esme Ekizoglu , Hayrunnisa Bolay , Carl H Göbel , Espen Saxhaug Kristoffersen, Christian Lampl , Elena Moro , Patricia Pozo-Rosich , Johann Sellner , Gisela Terwindt , Pablo Irimia-Sieira

Eur J Neurol . 2024 Jun;31(6):e16251.




Combining treatments for migraine prophylaxis: the state-of-the-art

Lanfranco Pellesi, David Garcia-Azorin, Eloisa Rubio-Beltrán, Wook-Seok Ha, Roberta Messina, Raffaele Ornello, Igor Petrusic, Bianca Raffaelli, Alejandro Labastida-Ramirez, Ruth Ruscheweyh, Claudio Tana, Doga Vuralli, Marta Waliszewska-Prosół, Wei Wang & William Wells-Gatnik

The Journal of Headache and Pain volume 25, Article number: 214 (dec 2024) 



Interictal migraine reveals posterior insular and anterior cingulate cortex activation in response to high-frequency visual stimuli

Z. Ceren Onlat, Sertaç Üstün, Hilal Kolenoğlu, Merve Ceren Akgör, Doğa Vurallı, Sarper Alkan, Metehan Çiçek, Hayrunnisa Bolay


SEP 2024

ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA, Volume:240, Page:82-83



Quantifier Spreading Errors during Pronoun Processing in Aphasia

Seçkin Arslan , Gamze Ye¸ silli Puzella, Semra Selvi Balo , Özgür Aydın , Ilknur Mavi

Studıes In Psychology-Psikoloji Çalısmaları Dergisi

Volume:44, Issue:1, Page: 125-142




Oxysterol Metabolism Balance as a Candidate Biomarker in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Tuğba Menteşe Babayiğit, Merve Çıkılı Uytun , Özlem Doğan   , Güvem Gümüş Akay , Muhittin A. Serdar  , Gökçe Yağmur Efendi  , Esra Yürümez  , Didem Behice Öztop

J Clin Pract Res 2024; 46(3): 290-297



Hallmarks of primary headache: part 1-migraine

Alberto Raggi, Matilde Leonardi, Marco Arruda, Valeria Caponnetto, Matteo Castaldo, Gianluca Coppola, Adriana Della Pietra, Xiangning Fan, David Garcia-Azorin, Parisa Gazerani, Lou Grangeon, Licia Grazzi, Fu-Jung Hsiao, Keiko Ihara, Alejandro Labastida-Ramirez, Kristin Sophie Lange, Marco Lisicki, Alessia Marcassoli, Danilo Antonio Montisano, Dilara Onan, Agnese Onofri, Lanfranco Pellesi, Mario Peres, Igor Petrušić, Bianca Raffaelli, Eloisa Rubio-Beltran, Andreas Straube, Sebastian Straube, Tsubasa Takizawa, Claudio Tana, Michela Tinelli, Massimiliano Valeriani, Simone Vigneri, Doga Vuralli, Marta Waliszewska-Prosół, Wei Wang, Yonggang Wang, William Wells-Gatnik, Tissa Wijeratne & Paolo Martelletti




Comparison of IL-1 Receptor Antagonist and Dexamethasone in Noise-Induced Hearing Loss: Animal Model

Nagihan G. Yaşar, Deniz Billur, Zeynep Yiğman, Abdurrahman Tufan, Bülent Gündüz,Gurbet İ. Ş. Kamişli, and Recep Karamert

Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 2024, Vol. 00(00) 1–10




Transauricular vagal nerve stimulation suppresses inflammatory responses in the gut and brain in an inflammatory bowel disease mode

Kerem Atalar, Ece Alim, Zeynep Yigman, Hayrunnisa Bolay Belen, Fusun Erten, Kazım Sahin, Ayse Soylu, Saadet Ozen, Akarca Dizakar, Meltem Bahcelioglu

 journal of anatomy,20 December 2024



Microbiota alterations are related to migraine food triggers and inflammatory markers in chronic migraine patients with medication overuse headache

Doga Vuralli, Merve Ceren Akgor, Hale Gok Dagidir, Pınar Onat, Meltem Yalinay, Ugur Sezerman & Hayrunnisa Bolay

The Journal of Headache and Pain volume 25, Article number: 192 (2024) 



Phthalate exposure induces cell death and ferroptosis in neonatal microglial cells

Elif Keleş, Arzu AralZübeyir ElmazoğluHasan Hüseyin KazanElif Gülçiçek Abbasoğlu TopaMehmet Ali ErgünHayrunnisa Bolay

Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, Vol. 54: No. 5, Article 28



Revealing third-order interactions through the integration of machine learning and entropy methods in genomic studies

Burcu Yaldız, Onur Erdoğan, Sevda Rafatov, Cem Iyigün, Yeşim Aydın Son

BioData Mining volume 17, Article number: 3 (2024)



Long-interval afferent inhibition measurement using two different methods: Normative values, repeatability and reliability

Hürrem Evren BoranHalil Can AlaydınHasan KılınçHatice TankişiGinte SamusyteJames HowellsMartin KoltzenburgBülent Cengiz 

Neurophysiologie Clinique, Volume 54, Issue 1, February 2024, 102940




Other primary headache disorders: Data from the HEAD-MENA-A study in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East

A Ç Atalar, H Genç, E Ur Özçelik, H Bolay, D Uluduz, Unal-Cevik 1st, N Kissani , O Luvsannorov, M Togha, A Ozge, B Baykan ; Head-MENA-A study group

Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery

Volume 236, January 2024, 108112



A distributed cortical network for the magnitude system of the brain: Insights from an fMRI study

Sirmatel-Bakriyanik, B (Sirmatel-Bakriyanik, Burcu); Balci, F (Balci, Fuat); Üstün, S (Ustun, Sertac)  ; Çiçek, M (Cicek, Metehan)

ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA,Volume240 Page 81-82


Topiramate's effects on normal and fatty liver

Sevtap Kılınç, Pelin Şahin, Zeynep Yığman , Ayşe Meltem Sevgili

Drug Chem Toxicol. 2024 Sep;47(5):729-738.




Extrasynaptic δGABAA receptors mediate resistance to migraine-like phenotype in rats

Berkay Alpay, Bariscan Cimen , Elif Akaydin , Filiz Onat, Hayrunnisa Bolay , Yildirim Sara 

The Journal of Headache and Pain,  2024 May 10;25(1):75.



Attentional demands in the visual field modulate audiovisual interactions in the temporal domain

Seyma Koc YilmazHulusi Kafaligonul 

Human Brain Mapping, Volume45, Issue12, August 15, 2024



Attentional load leads to distinct changes in early and late cortical processing of target visibility under visual masking

Esra Nur Catak, Haluk Ogmen, Hulusi Kafaligonul

Consciousness and Cognition, Volume 125, October 2024, 103760



Pupillary dilation response to the auditory food words in adolescents with obesity without binge eating disorder

Elif Akcay, Özgür AydınVeronika ZagvozdkinaZehra AycanElcin CaglarDidem Behice Oztop

Biological Psychology, Volume 193, November 2024, 108874



Ozone Administration Reduces Myocardial Ischemia Reperfusion Injury in Streptozotocin Induced Diabetes Mellitus Rat Model

Mehmet Burak GülcanHüseyin DemirtaşAbdullah ÖzerZeynep YığmanAli Dogan DursunMustafa ArslanGürsel Levent Oktar 

Drug Design, Development and Therapy. 20 September 2024 Volume 2024:18 Pages 4203—4213




Evaluation of the Efficacy of Ozone Therapy on Liver Tissue in the Treatment of Sepsis in Rats with Cecal Perforation

Selin ErelAyşegül KüçükkKürşat DikmenEsin TekinZeynep YığmanMüşerref Şeyma CeyhanSeda GökgözHasan BostancıMustafa Arslan, Mustafa Kavutcu

Medicina 202460(9), 1552




The phase coherence of cortical oscillations predicts dynamic changes in perceived visibility

Irem Akdogan, Haluk OgmenHulusi Kafaligonul

Cerebral Cortex, Volume 34, Issue 9, September 2024, bhae380.



Imagining Speeds up the Effect of Motor Imagery on Central Motor Conduction Time

Imagining Speeds up the Effect of Motor Imagery on Central Motor Conduction Time.

Boran HE, Akgor MC, Kurtkaya Kocak O, Alaydin HC, Kilinc H, Turkmen N, Cengiz B.

Cureus. 2024 Oct 18;16(10):e71798.

doi.org/10.7759/cureus.71798 eCollection 2024 Oct.


Investigations of motor performance with neuromodulation and exoskeleton using leader-follower modality: a tDCS study

Amr OkashaSaba ŞengezerHasan Kılınç, Elmira Pourreza Ceren Fincan Tunahan YılmazHürrem E BoranBülent Cengiz Ceylan Yozgatlıgil Senih Gürses Ali E Turgut Kutluk B Arıkan Bengi Ünal Çağrı Ünal Zafer Günendi Murat Zinnuroğlu Hale Z B Çağlayan

Experimental Brain Research, 04 oct 2024



Tvns Alters İnflammatory Response İn Adult VPA-İnduced Mouse Model Of Autism: Evidence For Sexual Dimorphism

Hale Gök DağıdırNeslihan BukanMeltem BahceliogluAyşen ÇalıkuşuEce AlimSaadet Özen DizakarElif TopaHayrunnisa Bolay

FEBS Open Bio, 14 Oct 2024




Does steroid increase LPS-induced sickness behaviors?

Kubra Karadag , Bariscan Cimen , Mert Ertunc , Yildirim Sara 

Neuropsychopharmacology, ​​2024 Jul;49(8):1203.




Effects of sevoflurane and fullerenol C60 on lower limb ischemia-reperfusion injury in streptozocin-induced diabetic mice

Yücel Polat Necmiye Şengel Ayşegül Küçük Çağrı Özdemir Zeynep YığmanAbdullah Burak Balcı Aydan İremnur Ergörün Mustafa KavutçuMustafa Arslan

Science ProgressVolume 107, Issue 2, April 13, 2024






Complicated Form of Medication Overuse Headache is Severe Version of Chronic Migraine

Gülcan Göçmez Yılmaz , Reza Ghouri ,Asena Ayça Özdemir, Aynur Özge

J. Clin. Med. 202413(13), 3696






Virtual dynamic interaction games reveal impaired multisensory integration in women with migraine

Merve S. Ince, Ilkem Guzel, Merve C. Akgor, Meltem Bahcelioglu, Kutluk B. Arikan, Amr Okasha, Sabahat Sengezer, Hayrunnisa Bolay

Headache. 2024;00:1-12.





Lipopolysaccharide, VE-cadherin, HMGB1, and HIF-1α levels are elevated in the systemic circulation in chronic migraine patients with medication overuse headache: evidence of leaky gut and inflammation  

Doga Vuralli, Merve Ceren Akgor, Hale Gok Dagidir, Ozlem Gulbahar, Meltem Yalinay, Hayrunnisa Bolay

J Headache Pain . 2024 Feb 19;25(1):23.  

doi: 10.1186/s10194-024-01730-5.




 Medication overuse headache is associated with elevated lipopolysaccharide binding protein and pro-inflammatory molecules in the bloodstream


Hale Gök Dağıdır, Elif Topa, Doga Vuralli, Hayrunnisa Bolay

J Headache Pain , 08 November 2023






​​​HBB Yayın-1

Levcromakalim provokes an acute rapid-onset migraine-like phenotype without inducing cortical spreading depolarization


Berkay Alpay, Bariscan Cimen, Elif Akaydin, Hayrunnisa Bolay, Yildirim Sara

J Headache Pain , 24 July 2023




​​​elif sürer yayın-1


Distribution Aware Testing Framework for Deep Neural Networks


Demet Demir, Aysu Betin Can, Elif Surer, Member (IEEE)

Digital Object Identifier, 26 October 2023



​​​Metehan çiçek-1

Changes in the superior longitudinal fasciculus and anterior thalamic radiation in the left brain are associated with developmental dyscalculia

Nazife AyyıldızFrauke BeyerSertaç ÜstünEmre H. Kale, Öykü Mançe ÇalışırPınar UranÖzgür ÖnerSinan OlkunAlfred AnwanderA. Veronica WitteArno VillringerMetehan Çiçek

Front. Hum. Neurosci., 28 September 2023



​​​Ahmet evlice-1

Secondary headache disorders in Turkey, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa: A cross-sectional, multicenter study

Ahmet Evlice, Hamit Genç, Derya Uluduz, Betul Baykan, Hayrunnisa Bolay, Isin Unal-Cevik, Najib Kissani, Otgonbayar Luvsannorov, Mansoureh Togha, Aynur Ozge; Head‐MENAA study group

Cephalgia. 2023 Aug;43(8):3331024231194024.

doi: 10.1177/03331024231194024.



Artemisinin reduces acute ovarian ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats

Şeyma Osmanlıoğlu, Mustafa Arslan, Rumeysa Osmanlıoğlu Dağ, Zeynep Yığman, Müşerref Şeyma Ceyhan, Fatma Er, Mustafa Kavutçu

Reprod Toxicol. 2023 Aug;119:108417.

doi: 10.1016/j.reprotox.2023.108417.



​​​​Müge Yemişçi-1​​​​​​

Editorial: Methods and applications in cellular neuropathology

Gabriela O Bodea, Muge Yemisci

Front Cell Neurosci.  2023 Jul 11;17:1244414.

doi: 10.3389/fncel.2023.1244414.




Synaptic dysfunction in schizophrenia

Emre Mısır, Güvem Gümüş Akay

Synapse 2023 Sep;77(5):e22276

doi: 10.1002/syn.22276




IVIg-induced headache: prospective study of a large cohort with neurological disorders

Buse Rahime Hasırcı Bayır, Miraç Ayşen Ünsal, Cansu Ağırcan, Tuba Cerrahoğlu Şirin, Onur Akan, Gizem Gürsoy, Tuğba Eyigürbüz, Dilara Mermi Dibek, Gönül Akdağ, Ayşe Deniz Elmalı, Ezgi Nazlı, Fatma Akkoyun Arıkan, Sezin Alpaydın Baslo, Dilek Ağırcan, Emel Oguz-Akarsu, Özdem Ertürk Çetin, Tülin Gesoğlu Demir, Esra Acıman Demirel, Doğa Vurallı, Şule Deveci, Tuba Tanyel, Füsun Mayda Domaç, Necdet Karlı, Sibel Velioğlu, Betül Baykan; Study Group

Neurol Sci. 2023 Aug;44(8):2871-2881

doi: 10.1007/s10072-023-06731-x




Mitochondrial metabolism related markers GDF-15, FGF-21, and HIF-1α are elevated in pediatric migraine attacks

Yasemin Baranoglu Kilinc, Erkan Kilinc, Aysegul Danis, Fatma Hanci, Sevim Turay, Aynur Ozge, Hayrunnisa Bolay

Headache 2023 2023 Aug 19

doi: 10.1111/head.14618. 



Müge yemişçi 2023 makale-1

Reduced folate carrier 1 is present in retinal microvessels and crucial for the inner blood retinal barrier integrity

Gokce Gurler, Nevin Belder, Mustafa Caglar Beker, Melike Sever‐Bahcekapili, Gokhan Uruk, Ertugrul Kilic and Muge Yemisci

Fluids Barriers CNS. 2023 Jun 16;20(1):47.

doi: 10.1186/s12987-023-00442-3.



Caronna E Makale-1

Headache attributed to SARS-CoV-2 infection, vaccination and the impact on primary headache disorders of the COVID-19 pandemic: A comprehensive review

Edoardo Caronna, Thomas C van den Hoek, Hayrunnisa Bolay, David Garcia-Azorin, Ana Beatriz Gago-Veiga, Massimiliano Valeriani, Tsubasa Takizawa, Karl Messlinger, Robert E Shapiro, Peter J Goadsby, Messoud Ashina, Cristina Tassorelli, Hans-Christoph Diener, Gisela M Terwindt, Patricia Pozo-Rosich

Cephalalgia . 2023 Jan;43(1):3331024221131337.  

doi: 10.1177/03331024221131337.



Çile A Makale-1

Female migraine patients had lower COVID-19 phobia and PCL-5 scores during the lockdown period

Çile Aktan, Tuğçe Toptan, Çisem Utku & Hayrunnisa Bolay 

Acta Neurologica Belgica




Ahmet B Makale-1

Visual temporal discrimination is impaired in patients with migraine without aura

Ahmet Başarı, Hürrem Evren Boran, Doga Vuralli, Bülent Cengiz, Hayrunnisa Bolay

Headach, 2023 Feb;63(2):202-210.  

doi: 10.1111/head.14466.




H Genç Makale-1

Cross-sectional, hospital-based analysis of headache types using ICHD-3 criteria in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa: the Head-MENAA study

H. Genc, B. Baykan, H. Bolay, D. Uluduz, I. Unal-Cevik, N. Kissani, O. Luvsannorov, M. Togha, A. A. Ozdemir & A. Ozge on behalf of Head-MENAA study group

The Journal of Headache and Pain volume 24/24 (2023) 



Headache Disorders in Pandemic Conditions-1

Headache Disorders in Pandemic Conditions

Aynur Özge, Derya Uludüz, Hayrunnisa Bolay, Ömer Karadaş

Springer, ISBN: 978-3-031-26308-8


Reward Processing Alters the Time Perception Networks in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder-1

Reward Processing Alters the Time Perception Networks in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder

Altınok, S., Vatansever, G., Apaydın, N., Üstün, S., Kale, E. H., Çelikağ, İ., Devrimci-Özgüven, H., Baskak, B., & Çiçek, M. (2023).

Timing & Time Perception (published online ahead of print 2023). doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/22134468-bja10073


Estimating the motor unit number of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle with MScanFit MUNE.-1

Estimating the motor unit number of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle with MScanFit MUNE.

Alaydin HC, Turkmen N, Boran HE, Cengiz B

Muscle & Nerve. 2022 Aug;66(2):212-215. doi: 10.1002/mus.27650. Epub 2022 Jun 15. PMID: 35621353.


Diagnostic classification of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder by using dynamic functional connectivity: An fNIRS study-1

Diagnostic classification of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder by using dynamic functional connectivity: An fNIRS study

Aykut Eken, Damla Sayar Akaslan, Bora Baskak, Kerim Münir

Journal of Neuroscience Methods

Migraine susceptibility is modulated by food triggers and analgesic overuse via sulfotransferase inhibition-1

Migraine susceptibility is modulated by food triggers and analgesic overuse via sulfotransferase inhibition

Doga Vuralli, Burak Arslan, Elif Topa, Andreia Lopes de Morais, Ozlem Gulbahar, Cenk Ayata & Hayrunnisa Bolay

The Journal of Headache and Pain, volume 23, Article number: 36 (2022) 


paper- Examining facial emotion recognition -1

Examining facial emotion recognition as an intermediate phenotype for psychosis: Findings from the EUGEI study
Fusar-Poli, L., Pries, L. K., van Os, J., Erzin, G., Delespaul, P., Kenis, G., Luykx, J. J., Lin, B. D., Richards, A. L., Akdede, B., Binbay, T., Altınyazar, V., Yalınçetin, B., Gümüş-Akay, G.,et al.
Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2021;110440.



yayınlar-Dynamic changes in the food-cue processing of obese adolescents A controlled eye-tracking study from a dual-system perspective-1

Dynamic changes in the food-cue processing of obese adolescents: A controlled eye-tracking study from a dual-system perspective

Akcay E, Oztop DB, Aydın Ö, Caglar E, Aycan Z.

Appetite. 2021 Oct 5:105734. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2021.105734. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34624432.


paper-Interhemispheric transfer time differs between fast and slow healthy adult readers-1

Interhemispheric transfer time differs between fast and slow healthy adult readers

Hazal Artuvan Korkmaz, Fikret Ari, Beyza Doğanay Erdoğan, Canan Kalaycıoğlu

Neuropsychologia, Volume 169, May 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2022.108205







Medication overuse headache is associated with elevated lipopolysaccharide binding protein and pro-inflammatory molecules in the bloodstream


Hale Gök Dağıdır, Elif Topa, Doga Vuralli, Hayrunnisa Bolay

J Headache Pain , 08 November 2023





​​​HBB Yayın-1

Levcromakalim provokes an acute rapid-onset migraine-like phenotype without inducing cortical spreading depolarization


Berkay Alpay, Bariscan Cimen, Elif Akaydin, Hayrunnisa Bolay, Yildirim Sara

J Headache Pain , 24 July 2023




​​​elif sürer yayın-1


Distribution Aware Testing Framework for Deep Neural Networks


Demet Demir, Aysu Betin Can, Elif Surer, Member (IEEE)

Digital Object Identifier, 26 October 2023



​​​Metehan çiçek-1

Changes in the superior longitudinal fasciculus and anterior thalamic radiation in the left brain are associated with developmental dyscalculia

Nazife AyyıldızFrauke BeyerSertaç ÜstünEmre H. Kale, Öykü Mançe ÇalışırPınar UranÖzgür ÖnerSinan OlkunAlfred AnwanderA. Veronica WitteArno VillringerMetehan Çiçek

Front. Hum. Neurosci., 28 September 2023



​​​Ahmet evlice-1

Secondary headache disorders in Turkey, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa: A cross-sectional, multicenter study

Ahmet Evlice, Hamit Genç, Derya Uluduz, Betul Baykan, Hayrunnisa Bolay, Isin Unal-Cevik, Najib Kissani, Otgonbayar Luvsannorov, Mansoureh Togha, Aynur Ozge; Head‐MENAA study group

Cephalgia. 2023 Aug;43(8):3331024231194024.

doi: 10.1177/03331024231194024.



Artemisinin reduces acute ovarian ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats

Şeyma Osmanlıoğlu, Mustafa Arslan, Rumeysa Osmanlıoğlu Dağ, Zeynep Yığman, Müşerref Şeyma Ceyhan, Fatma Er, Mustafa Kavutçu

Reprod Toxicol. 2023 Aug;119:108417.

doi: 10.1016/j.reprotox.2023.108417.



​​​​Müge Yemişçi-1​​​​​​

Editorial: Methods and applications in cellular neuropathology

Gabriela O Bodea, Muge Yemisci

Front Cell Neurosci.  2023 Jul 11;17:1244414.

doi: 10.3389/fncel.2023.1244414.




Synaptic dysfunction in schizophrenia

Emre Mısır, Güvem Gümüş Akay

Synapse 2023 Sep;77(5):e22276

doi: 10.1002/syn.22276




IVIg-induced headache: prospective study of a large cohort with neurological disorders

Buse Rahime Hasırcı Bayır, Miraç Ayşen Ünsal, Cansu Ağırcan, Tuba Cerrahoğlu Şirin, Onur Akan, Gizem Gürsoy, Tuğba Eyigürbüz, Dilara Mermi Dibek, Gönül Akdağ, Ayşe Deniz Elmalı, Ezgi Nazlı, Fatma Akkoyun Arıkan, Sezin Alpaydın Baslo, Dilek Ağırcan, Emel Oguz-Akarsu, Özdem Ertürk Çetin, Tülin Gesoğlu Demir, Esra Acıman Demirel, Doğa Vurallı, Şule Deveci, Tuba Tanyel, Füsun Mayda Domaç, Necdet Karlı, Sibel Velioğlu, Betül Baykan; Study Group

Neurol Sci. 2023 Aug;44(8):2871-2881

doi: 10.1007/s10072-023-06731-x




Mitochondrial metabolism related markers GDF-15, FGF-21, and HIF-1α are elevated in pediatric migraine attacks

Yasemin Baranoglu Kilinc, Erkan Kilinc, Aysegul Danis, Fatma Hanci, Sevim Turay, Aynur Ozge, Hayrunnisa Bolay

Headache 2023 2023 Aug 19

doi: 10.1111/head.14618. 



Müge yemişçi 2023 makale-1

Reduced folate carrier 1 is present in retinal microvessels and crucial for the inner blood retinal barrier integrity

Gokce Gurler, Nevin Belder, Mustafa Caglar Beker, Melike Sever‐Bahcekapili, Gokhan Uruk, Ertugrul Kilic and Muge Yemisci

Fluids Barriers CNS. 2023 Jun 16;20(1):47.

doi: 10.1186/s12987-023-00442-3.



Caronna E Makale-1

Headache attributed to SARS-CoV-2 infection, vaccination and the impact on primary headache disorders of the COVID-19 pandemic: A comprehensive review

Edoardo Caronna, Thomas C van den Hoek, Hayrunnisa Bolay, David Garcia-Azorin, Ana Beatriz Gago-Veiga, Massimiliano Valeriani, Tsubasa Takizawa, Karl Messlinger, Robert E Shapiro, Peter J Goadsby, Messoud Ashina, Cristina Tassorelli, Hans-Christoph Diener, Gisela M Terwindt, Patricia Pozo-Rosich

Cephalalgia . 2023 Jan;43(1):3331024221131337.  

doi: 10.1177/03331024221131337.



Çile A Makale-1

Female migraine patients had lower COVID-19 phobia and PCL-5 scores during the lockdown period

Çile Aktan, Tuğçe Toptan, Çisem Utku & Hayrunnisa Bolay 

Acta Neurologica Belgica




Ahmet B Makale-1

Visual temporal discrimination is impaired in patients with migraine without aura

Ahmet Başarı, Hürrem Evren Boran, Doga Vuralli, Bülent Cengiz, Hayrunnisa Bolay

Headach, 2023 Feb;63(2):202-210.  

doi: 10.1111/head.14466.




H Genç Makale-1

Cross-sectional, hospital-based analysis of headache types using ICHD-3 criteria in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa: the Head-MENAA study

H. Genc, B. Baykan, H. Bolay, D. Uluduz, I. Unal-Cevik, N. Kissani, O. Luvsannorov, M. Togha, A. A. Ozdemir & A. Ozge on behalf of Head-MENAA study group

The Journal of Headache and Pain volume 24/24 (2023) 



Headache Disorders in Pandemic Conditions-1

Headache Disorders in Pandemic Conditions

Aynur Özge, Derya Uludüz, Hayrunnisa Bolay, Ömer Karadaş

Springer, ISBN: 978-3-031-26308-8


Reward Processing Alters the Time Perception Networks in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder-1

Reward Processing Alters the Time Perception Networks in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder

Altınok, S., Vatansever, G., Apaydın, N., Üstün, S., Kale, E. H., Çelikağ, İ., Devrimci-Özgüven, H., Baskak, B., & Çiçek, M. (2023).

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Estimating the motor unit number of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle with MScanFit MUNE.-1

Estimating the motor unit number of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle with MScanFit MUNE.

Alaydin HC, Turkmen N, Boran HE, Cengiz B

Muscle & Nerve. 2022 Aug;66(2):212-215. doi: 10.1002/mus.27650. Epub 2022 Jun 15. PMID: 35621353.


Diagnostic classification of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder by using dynamic functional connectivity: An fNIRS study-1

Diagnostic classification of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder by using dynamic functional connectivity: An fNIRS study

Aykut Eken, Damla Sayar Akaslan, Bora Baskak, Kerim Münir

Journal of Neuroscience Methods

Migraine susceptibility is modulated by food triggers and analgesic overuse via sulfotransferase inhibition-1

Migraine susceptibility is modulated by food triggers and analgesic overuse via sulfotransferase inhibition

Doga Vuralli, Burak Arslan, Elif Topa, Andreia Lopes de Morais, Ozlem Gulbahar, Cenk Ayata & Hayrunnisa Bolay

The Journal of Headache and Pain, volume 23, Article number: 36 (2022) 


paper- Examining facial emotion recognition -1

Examining facial emotion recognition as an intermediate phenotype for psychosis: Findings from the EUGEI study
Fusar-Poli, L., Pries, L. K., van Os, J., Erzin, G., Delespaul, P., Kenis, G., Luykx, J. J., Lin, B. D., Richards, A. L., Akdede, B., Binbay, T., Altınyazar, V., Yalınçetin, B., Gümüş-Akay, G.,et al.
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yayınlar-Dynamic changes in the food-cue processing of obese adolescents A controlled eye-tracking study from a dual-system perspective-1

Dynamic changes in the food-cue processing of obese adolescents: A controlled eye-tracking study from a dual-system perspective

Akcay E, Oztop DB, Aydın Ö, Caglar E, Aycan Z.

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paper-Interhemispheric transfer time differs between fast and slow healthy adult readers-1

Interhemispheric transfer time differs between fast and slow healthy adult readers

Hazal Artuvan Korkmaz, Fikret Ari, Beyza Doğanay Erdoğan, Canan Kalaycıoğlu

Neuropsychologia, Volume 169, May 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2022.108205


yayınlar-Updated review on the link between cortical spreading depression and headache disorders-1
 Updated review on the link between cortical spreading depression and headache disorders 

 Vuralli D, Karatas H, Yemisci M, Bolay H.

 Expert Rev Neurother. 2021 Oct;21(10):1069-1084. doi: 10.1080/14737175.2021.1947797. Epub 2021 Sep 17.   PMID: 34162288



yayınlar-Behavioral and Neurodevelopmental Effects of Early Interventions in Adult Wistar Rats-1
Behavioral and Neurodevelopmental Effects of Early Interventions in Adult Wistar Rats

Küçükkarapinar M, Dönmez A, Candansayar S, Bozkurt A, Akçay E, Gülbahar Ö, Belen HB.

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yayınlar-Children With Dyscalculia Show Hippocampal Hyperactivity During Symbolic Number Perception-1
  Children With Dyscalculia Show Hippocampal Hyperactivity During Symbolic       Number Perception

  Üstün, S., Ayyıldız, N., Kale, E.H., Mançe Çalışır, Ö., Uran, P., Öner, Ö., Olkun, S. and Çiçek, M. 

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yayınlar-Beyin Görüntülerinde Yapısal ve İşlevsel Bağlantısallık Dinlenim Durumu İşlevsel Manyetik Rezonans Görüntüleme ve Difüzyon Tensör Görüntüleme-1
Beyin Görüntülerinde Yapısal ve İşlevsel Bağlantısallık: Dinlenim Durumu İşlevsel Manyetik Rezonans Görüntüleme ve Difüzyon Tensör Görüntüleme

Şimşek H, İnal ŞÇ, Meco BC, Çiçek M.   

J Ankara Univ Fac Med 2021;74:1-9.


yayınlar-Latent class cluster analysis identified hidden headache phenotypes in COVID-19 impact of pulmonary infiltration and IL-6-1
Latent class cluster analysis identified hidden headache phenotypes in COVID-19: impact of pulmonary infiltration and IL-6

Karadaş Ö, Öztürk B, Sonkaya AR, Taşdelen B, Özge A, Bolay H.

Neurol Sci. 2021 May;42(5):1665-1673. doi: 10.1007/s10072-020-04978-2. Epub 2021 Feb 9. PMID: 33559789 Free PMC article.




yayınlar-Cellular iron storage and trafficking are affected by GTN stimulation in primary glial and meningeal cell culture-1
Cellular iron storage and trafficking are affected by GTN stimulation in primary glial and meningeal cell culture

Aral LA, Ergün MA, Bolay H.

Turk J Biol. 2021 Feb 9;45(1):46-55. doi: 10.3906/biy-2009-1. eCollection 2021. PMID: 33597821 Free PMC article.





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Baykan B, Özge A, Ertaş M, Atalar AÇ, Bolay H.

Noro Psikiyatr Ars. 2021 Mar 8;58(1):79-80. doi: 10.29399/npa.27736. eCollection 2021 Mar. PMID: 33795959 Free PMC article. No abstract available.








yayınlar-HMGB1, NLRP3, IL-6 and ACE2 levels are elevated in COVID-19 with headache a window to the infection-related headache mechanism-1

HMGB1, NLRP3, IL-6 and ACE2 levels are elevated in COVID-19 with headache: a window to the infection-related headache mechanism

Bolay H, Karadas Ö, Oztürk B, Sonkaya R, Tasdelen B, Bulut TDS, Gülbahar Ö, Özge A, Baykan B.

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yayınlar-High density optical neuroimaging predicts surgeons’s subjective experience and skill levels-1
High density optical neuroimaging predicts surgeons’s subjective experience and skill levels

H.O. Keles, C. Cengiz, I. Demiral, M.M. Ozmen, A. Omurtag

PloS one, 2021; 16(2), e0247117.






yayınlar-Deep learning for detection and segmentation of artefact and disease instances in gastrointestinal endoscopy-1

Deep learning for detection and segmentation of artefact and disease instances in gastrointestinal endoscopy

S. Ali, M. Dmitrieva, N. Ghatwary, S. Bano, G. Polat, A. Temizel, et al.

Medical Image Analysis, doi:10.1016/j.media.2021.102002, vol. 70, May 2021. 





yayınlar-Polyp Detection in Colonoscopy Images using Deep Learning and Bootstrap Aggregation-1

Polyp Detection in Colonoscopy Images using Deep Learning and Bootstrap Aggregation

G. Polat, E. Işık Polat, K. Kayabay, A. Temizel

Endoscopy Detection and Segmentation Workshop (EndoCV2021), IEEE Int. Symp. Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), April 2021




Somatosensory Temporal Discrimination in Autism Spectrum Disorder

D. Buyuktaskin, E. Iseri, E. Guney, Z. Gunendi, B. Cengiz

Autism Research, 2021.











yayınlar-Right Anterior Theta Hypersynchrony as a Quantitative Measure Associated with Autistic Traits and K-Cl Cotransporter KCC2 Polymorphism-1
Right Anterior Theta Hypersynchrony as a Quantitative Measure Associated with Autistic Traits and K-Cl Cotransporter KCC2 Polymorphism

S. Aykan, M.H. Puglia, C. Kalaycıoğlu, K.A. Pelphrey, T. Tuncalı, E. Nalçacı , 

J Autism Dev Disord, doi: 10.1007/s10803-021-04924-x, PMID: 33635423, Feb. 2021.






yayınlar-Rethinking Geschwind Syndrome Beyond Temporal Lobe Epilepsy-1

Rethinking Geschwind Syndrome Beyond Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

Çolak B, Ilhan RS, Duman B.

Noro Psikiyatr Ars. 2021 Aug 26;58(3):169-170. doi: 10.29399/npa.27995. PMID: 34526836; PMCID: PMC8419725.










yayınlar-Production of time reference in Turkish Broca’s aphasia The effect of morphological complexity-1Production of time reference in Turkish Broca's aphasia: The effect of morphological complexity

Kurada HZ, Aydın Ö, Köse A.

Clin Linguist Phon. 2021 Aug 20:1-17. doi: 10.1080/02699206.2021.1963319. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34412523.





yayınlar-Examining the association between exposome score for schizophrenia and functioning in schizophrenia, siblings, and healthy controls Results from the EUGEI study-1Examining the association between exposome score for schizophrenia and functioning in schizophrenia, siblings, and healthy controls: Results from the EUGEI study

Erzin G, Pries LK, van Os J, Fusar-Poli L, Delespaul P, Kenis G, Luykx JJ, Lin BD, Richards AL, Akdede B, Binbay T, Altınyazar V, Yalınçetin B, Gümüş-Akay G, Cihan B, Soygür H, Ulaş H, Cankurtaran EŞ, Kaymak SU, Mihaljevic MM, Andric-Petrovic S, Mirjanic T, Bernardo M, Mezquida G, Amoretti S, Bobes J, Saiz PA, García-Portilla MP, Sanjuan J, Aguilar EJ, Santos JL, Jiménez-López E, Arrojo M, Carracedo A, López G, González-Peñas J, Parellada M, Maric NP, Atbaşoğlu C, Ucok A, Alptekin K, Saka MC; Genetic Risk and Outcome of Psychosis (GROUP) investigators, Arango C, O'Donovan MC, Rutten BPF, Guloksuz S.

Eur Psychiatry. 2021 Mar 19;64(1):e25. doi: 10.1192/j.eurpsy.2021.19. PMID: 33736735 Free PMC article.





yayınlar-Cortical activity during social acceptance and rejection task in social anxiety disorder A controlled functional near infrared spectroscopy study-1Cortical activity during social acceptance and rejection task in social anxiety disorder: A controlled functional near infrared spectroscopy study

Kir Y, Sayar-Akaslan D, Agtas-Ertan E, Kusman A, Baskak N, Baran Z, Munir K, Baskak B.

Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2021 Jan 10;104:110012. doi: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2020.110012. Epub 2020 Jun 14. PMID: 32553940






yayınlar-Cortical activity measured by functional near infrared spectroscopy during a theory of mind task in subjects with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and healthy controls-1Cortical activity measured by functional near infrared spectroscopy during a theory of mind task in subjects with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and healthy controls

Sayar-Akaslan D, Baskak B, Kir Y, Kusman A, Yalcinkaya B, Çakmak IB, Munir K.

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yayınlar-The relationship of cortical activity induced by pain stimulation with clinical and cognitive features of somatic symptom disorder A controlled functional near infrared spectroscopy study-1The relationship of cortical activity induced by pain stimulation with clinical and cognitive features of somatic symptom disorder: A controlled functional near infrared spectroscopy study

Çolak B, Eken A, Kuşman A, Sayar Akaslan D, Kızılpınar SÇ, Çakmak IB, Bal NB, Münir K, Öner Ö, Baskak B.

J Psychosom Res. 2021 Jan;140:110300. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2020.110300. Epub 2020 Nov 17. PMID: 33248397


The relationship between plasma levels of clozapine and N-desmethyclozapine as well as M1 receptor polymorphism with cognitive functioning and associated cortical activity in schizophrenia

Kır Y, Baskak B, Kuşman A, Sayar-Akaslan D, Özdemir F, Sedes-Baskak N, Süzen HS, Baran Z.

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yayınlar-Investigation of the cortical activity during episodic future thinking in schizophrenia: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study-1Investigation of the cortical activity during episodic future thinking in schizophrenia: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study

Gündüz H, Baran Z, Kır Y, Sedes Baskak N, Baskak B.

Behav Neurosci. 2020 Aug;134(4):344-357. doi: 10.1037/bne0000377.





yayınlar-COVID-19 Pandemic Associated Misinterpretation of Somatic Sensations: A Model for Mind-Body Interaction-1

COVID-19 Pandemic Associated Misinterpretation of Somatic Sensations: A Model for Mind-Body Interaction

B Duman, O Herdı, RS İlhan, B Çolak, 

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yayınlar-Auditory Processing Differences Correlate With Autistic Traits in Males-1

Auditory Processing Differences Correlate With Autistic Traits in Males

S Aykan, E Gürses, S Tokgöz-Yılmaz, C Kalaycıoğlu,

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yayınlar-The role of COMT polymorphism in modulation of prefrontal activity during verbal fluency in bipolar disorder-1

The role of COMT polymorphism in modulation of prefrontal activity during verbal fluency in bipolar disorder

Devrimci-Ozguven H, Hosgoren Alıcı Y, Demirbugen Oz M, Suzen HS, Kale HE, Baskak B.

Neurosci Lett. 2020 Nov 1;738:135310. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2020.135310. Epub 2020 Aug 18. PMID: 32822765.







yayınlar-Neuronal network dysfunction in a model for Kleefstra syndrome mediated by enhanced NMDAR signaling-1Neuronal network dysfunction in a model for Kleefstra syndrome mediated by enhanced NMDAR signaling

Frega M, Linda K, Keller JM, Gümüş-Akay G, Mossink B, van Rhijn JR, Negwer M, Klein Gunnewiek T, Foreman K, Kompier N, Schoenmaker C, van den Akker W, van der Werf I, Oudakker A, Zhou H, Kleefstra T, Schubert D, van Bokhoven H, Nadif Kasri N.

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