Cognitive Electrophysiology
The Cognitive Electrophysiology Laboratory is equipped with a 128-channel Brain Products EEG recording system, along with electrode caps that allow recordings with 32, 64, or 128 channels using standard electrode placements. This system enables high temporal resolution recordings of brain activity. In the laboratory, sensory, motor, or cognitive tests can be conducted simultaneously with EEG recordings. Data is collected inside a Faraday cage, which isolates the recordings from sound and electromagnetic interference, and is stored on a computer in a format suitable for processing with various signal analysis programs. The Cognitive Electrophysiology Laboratory also has the necessary software infrastructure for advanced data analysis. The lab's facilities support graduate-level training, thesis projects, and both national and international research initiatives. The laboratory is also open to research collaboration requests from scientific institutions..
Telefon: (312) 595 8060
Adres: Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Morfoloji Kampüsü
Dekanlık Binası Fizyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Beyin Görüntüleme Laboratuvarı