African Union Commissioner for Education, Science and Technology Innovation Prof. Mohammed BELHOCINE visited NÖROM at the invitation of YÖK President Prof. Dr. Erol ÖZVAR
4 September 2024 | 13:28

African Union Commissioner for Education, Science and Technology Innovation Prof. Mohammed BELHOCINE visited NÖROM at the invitation of YÖK President Prof. Dr. Erol ÖZVAR.


Within the scope of the visit, Prof. Dr. Meltem BAHÇELİOĞLU, Deputy Director of the NÖROM, and Prof. Dr. Yeşim AYDIN SON, Member of the Board of Directors of the NÖROM, introduced our Centre to the Commissioner and the accompanying delegation.  Prof. Mohammed BELHOCINE, African Union Commissioner for Education, Science and Technology Innovation, Prof. Jean KOULIDIATI, Rector of Pan African University, Merouane ARIM, Special Assistant of Prof. Belhocine, Mahlet Teshome KEBEDE, Science-Policy Expert, Prof. Dr. Serhat KARYEYEN, Vice Rector of Gazi University, Prof. Dr. Tarık ASAR, Acting R&D Coordinator of Gazi University, Prof. Dr. Elçin ÖZGÜR BÜYÜKATALAY, Director of Project Coordination Centre, accompanied the visit.






